Primary lymphedema related managements paper was published in the Journal Surgical Oncology

April 30th, 2022

Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng’s Lymphedema Microsurgery

I couldn’t be happier to kick off the lunar new year (Tiger Year) with the online publication of our paper “Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis in primary lymphedema patients who underwent vascularized lymph node transplantations” in the Journal of SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. Over eight years of data were collected, validated, and analyzed. This research has set milestones for the first HITT in the vascularized lymph node transplantations for primary extremity lymphedema. The vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) has a similar pathological pathway in vascular thrombosis to the HITT.
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