Chang Gung Welcomes Dr. Bauback Safa, Mang Chen and Melissa Poh

August 6th, 2019

Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng’s Lymphedema Microsurgery

We are so delighted to have an outstanding plastic surgeon, 2019 Godina Fellow of ASRM visiting our Department last week – Dr. Bauback Safa from the Buncke Clinic, San Francisco, CA. Surgery is teamworking. Through collaborations with Drs. Bauback Safa, Mang Chen and Melissa Poh, we successfully performed two gender-affirming surgeries including male-to-female and female-to-male procedures. Great satisfaction for both patients and doctors on the operation results. It was a unique experience and a rich exchange of knowledge and skills that we have acquired from different training backgrounds. I want to express my sincere appreciation to Drs. Safa, Chen, and Poh for their partnership and demonstrations of the cutting-edge operative techniques and the best support of my medical staff at CGMH.
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