News & Events

Medical Illustration with Our Research Department

December 13th, 2017 | Categories: News

Our Department of Research put together an awesome medical illustration event Monday through Wednesday at our hospital this week. Most of the medical drawings were done and led by Ingrid Kuo. Ms. Kuo is an extremely talented illustrator. She has published her medical illustrations in many top journals, book chapters, and textbooks internationally. Her works are highly regarded and her contributions are greatly appreciated as always. ... Read More

The Team at Our Monthly Multidisciplinary Meeting for the Center of Lymphedema Treatment

December 11th, 2017 | Categories: News

There was a monthly multidisciplinary meeting for the Center of Lymphedema Treatment at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital on last Thursday, December 07. Every staff enthusiastically participated the discussion, shared his/ her ideas and searched for the better outcome of the lymphedema treatment. I am proud of being one of this team.... Read More

Dr. Cheng Performs Pilot Lymphedema Treatment with the Support of his Research Center for Tissue Engineering

December 9th, 2017 | Categories: Research

I went to our lab to perform a pilot animal model for lymphedema treatment on this past Wednesday morning. The procedure went well with the support from my team of Center for Tissue Engineering. We have extended the basic research from tissue engineering of bone, cartilage, and adipose tissues to lymphedema mechanism recently. Hopefully, we can advance our knowledge and innovation for the lymphedema patients. ... Read More

Dr. Cheng Attends the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery

December 4th, 2017 | Categories: Other

It was a great pleasure to meet another good friend from the US as a keynote speaker at the 2017 annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery. Professor Eduardo Rodriguez, MD, DDS, is the Chair of Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY. He gave us an impressive lecture of "Facial Transplantation” yesterday. The third picture was taken at 2011 Chang-Gung Mayo Clinic Symposium in Reconstructive Surgery, in Taipei, Taiwan. I cherish our long lasting friendship. ... Read More

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