News & Events

Celebrating 16 Years of the Taiwan Breast Reconstruction Foundation

January 28th, 2018 | Categories: Other

Time flies. This is the 16th year since the Taiwan Breast Reconstruction Foundation had been established. I am so honored to be the patron of this great organization. I attended the welcome party for the new members yesterday. It was so nice to see the great momentum and warm interactions among the newcomers, old members, and our medical staff. We all share the same goal - to help the breast cancer patients to feel confident and to resume quality of life. I cannot be prouder of the accomplishments we have achieved together as a team over the years. Keep up with the great work! ... Read More

Dr. Cheng Attends Lymphedema Microsurgery Panel Discussion

January 18th, 2018 | Categories: Presentations

As a surgeon, it is my duty and ultimate goal to restore patient’s physical functions, cosmesis and their quality of life. I attended my second lymphedema microsurgery panel discussion – “An algorithmic approach to deciding which lymphedema surgery a patient needs” in the morning, January 14. This topic is exceptionally important to me as the focus is on the patients’ needs, instead of from the surgeons’ perspectives. When I evaluate the procedures for my lymphedema patients, there are two key factors: 1. maximal functional recovery (lymphedema limb becomes softer, smaller, less cellulitis, and no need to wear ... Read More

Congratulations to Dr. Liza Wu, the first female Godina Fellow of ASRM and This Year’s Godina Lecturer

January 17th, 2018 | Categories: Other

Dr. Liza Wu, the Godina Lecturer this year, is the first female Godina Fellow of ASRM. Godina Fellow is the most prestigious honor for a microsurgeon. This award recognizes and represents the significant contributions and outstanding achievements in reconstructive microsurgery. Dr. Wu’s Godina Lecture was inspirational and refreshing. Liza is the associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a Taiwanese American surgeon. She well represents and now becomes one of the Asian Godina fellows, David Chang from University of Chicago, Ron Yu from MD Anderson Cancer Center, JP Hong from Asan Medical Center, Seoul,... Read More

Fellows from CGMH Present about Lymphedema Microsurgery

January 17th, 2018 | Categories: Presentations

As the field of reconstructive microsurgery has been emerging so rapidly and limb lymphedema treatments continue to be in high demand recently, the challenge and dedication of finding the best approaches for lymphedema treatment are never-ending for me as a micro-surgeon and lymphedema researcher. I had 4 podium presentations and 3 posters of lymphedema microsurgery presented by the fellows from CGMH - Olivia Ho, Anton Fries, and Marco Pappalardo. I am so proud to have them part of my team. Congratulations and Great Jobs! We had a great time reunited with some former fellows at the banquet. ... Read More

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