News & Events

Chang Gung Welcomes Dr. Bauback Safa from the Buncke Clinic, San Francisco as a Speaker

December 9th, 2018 | Categories: News

We are honored to have the legendary icon of replantation, Dr. Bauback Safa, President of the American Trans Gender Society, with our Department to share his wisdom and inspiration. Dr. Safa is an internationally renowned reconstructive microsurgeon and hand surgeon at the Buncke Clinic, San Francisco, CA. Faculty, residents, fellows, and students all enjoyed the great learning experiences with him. I performed a "vascularized lymph node flap transfer” surgery on a grade II lymphedema patient as a showcase of my recent approaches and techniques of lymphedema microsurgery for Dr. Safa. Appreciate him taking the time to sh... Read More

Visiting Professorships List

December 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Visiting Professorships

Godina Traveling Professor, Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Institute University of California, Irvine, Orange, California, June 10, 2006. 2006 Godina Traveling Fellow and Flap Course Faculty, Duke University. Visiting Professor, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, August 4, 2006. Visiting Lecturer, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Department of Plastic Surgery, Houston, Texas, November 13-15, 2006. Visiting Professor in Plastic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 16-19, 2006. Visiting Professor in Plastic Surgery, Southern Illinois Univers... Read More

Dr. Cheng Is an Invited Speaker at the Chicago Breast Symposium and 7th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery

April 30th, 2018 | Categories: Presentations

Congratulations to Dr. David Chang on such a successful event of the Chicago Breast Symposium and 7th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery, April 26-28, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Under his leadership, the reputation of both symposiums increases higher than ever. This meeting provided a great platform where experts, physicians, and therapists can share and exchange the most up-to-date researches, diagnosis, management, and treatments of lymphedema and lymphatic disease. Thank you for including me in the programs. I presented my clinical experiences and recent research at two discussion panels. It was a great pleas... Read More

Dr. Cheng Presents at the Annual Meeting of American Surgical Association (ASA)

April 21st, 2018 | Categories: Presentations

It was my great honor and privilege to have a podium presentation for 25 minutes at the 138 the Annual Meeting of American Surgical Association (ASA), Phoenix, Arizona, April 19th to 21st, 2018. The topic of my presentation was “Validity in the application of the novel Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy staging and clinical grading systems for unilateral extremity lymphedema”. Among hundreds of submissions, only 32 papers were accepted and granted at this esteemed meeting this year. The Annals of Surgery is the official publication of papers reviewed and presented at the scientific sessions at ASA. My research paper was the ... Read More

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