Awards & Visiting Professorships

Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng’s Lymphedema Microsurgery

Dr. Cheng Is Made a Member of the Harry Buncke Society, San Francico

February 25th, 2018


It was honored and humbled to receive a warm welcome and be made a member of Harry Buncke Society by Drs. Gregory Buncke and Bauback Safa during my visit to the Buncke Clinic. Dr. Harry Buncke is recognized as the Father of Reconstructive Microsurgery in the US. The Buncke Clinic has been at the forefront of the advancement of reconstructive microsurgery since 1970. The faculty, fellows, and residents (some from UC San Francisco) were very interested in my lymphedema researches and outcome of my speech. The canvas in the p... Read More

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