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Patient Rights

Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng's Lymphedema Microsurgery


General Consent form
A+ Surgery Clinic Patient’s rights and cooperation

The cooperation between the patient and the medical team is an important factor for a successful treatment. The patient’s understanding towards patient’s rights and obligations is necessary for a mutual communication in order to promote cooperation and trust. During the patient’s visit to our hospital, we ensure that the following 10 patient’s rights are maintained. Please feel free to provide us with feedback if our services do not meet your expectations, in order for us to improve. It is necessary for the patient and family to provide us with relevant disease information so we can provide you with accurate diagnosis and the most suitable treatment while maximizing the use of limited medical resources to protect our medical environment and the health of everyone. We look forward to building a healthy and harmonious medical environment for all of our patients. Please feel free to approach any of our medical personnel if you have any further inquiries or suggestions about patient’s rights, and it will be our pleasure to assist you in every possible way.

Patient’s Rights

  • 【Treatment equality】The patient is entitled to receive treatment regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender, age, disease, sexual preference, location, or social status.

  • 【Healthcare safety】The patient has the right to receive healthcare in a safe medical environment.

  • 【Information and explanation】The patient and primary care provider are entitled to inquire about physician’s or other medical personnel’s names and disease information.

  • 【Informed consent】【Right to refuse】【Alternatives】The patient and the primary family caregiver have the right to participate in the discussion and inquiry of the healthcare process and to decide in the treatment plan, including the rights to refuse treatment and to seek a second opinion.

  • 【Continuous healthcare】The patient has the right to request for pain management, disease management, medication, diet and daily living education, and information and medical services relative to home care services after discharge.

  • 【Palliative Care】According to the hospice and palliative laws and regulations, the patient and the family have the right to decide or alter the decision of “do not resuscitate,” and to renounce the use of life support during cardiac arrest at the risk of termination of life.

  • 【Patient’s privacy】We respect and uphold the patient’s privacy. Disease information and records will be kept confidential.

  • 【Information providing】According to the law, the patient has the right to request for copies of his/her medical record, certificate of diagnosis, and invoice of medical expenses.

  • 【Complain Service】The patient has the right to complain or make suggestions to the hospital, and we will respond accordingly.

  • 【Professional Service】All medical personnel must wear identification cards. The patient can refuse to accept medical service if the medical personnel does not wear an identification card.

Patient cooperation

  • To ensure patient safety, the patient and family should provide information such as health condition, medical history, drug history, allergy history, travelling history, contagious disease at present, etc.

  • The patient and family should participate in the discussion of treatment plans and come to a conclusion after understanding the consequences of all possible treatments. All doubts should be clarified with the medical personnel in charge prior to the signing of the consent form.

  • The patient and family should cooperate with physicians in terms of treatment, discharge, or transferal. Please respect our medical resources and the medical facilities of the hospital.

  • Please comply to the hospital’s policies and operating procedures. Never request medical personnel to provide false information or certificate of diagnosis. Please obey the hospital’s curfew and infection policy. Please do not smoke or chew betel nuts in the hospital to prevent affecting the rights of other patients.

  • Please pay the remaining balance after subsidy accordingly. Please approach our social workers or medical personnel in charge if you have any difficulty paying the balance.

  • We provide storage services for the patient and family to secure their personal belongings. We are not responsible for damage or loss of property. Please keep your valuables with you at all times.

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