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Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng's Lymphedema Microsurgery


Suggested Candidates For Lymphedema Surgery

A full medical history and thorough physical exam are required for the initial clinic visit. The circumferential differentiation between the affected and unaffected limbs (in unilateral disease) will be the focus, and measured comprehensively during the physical exam.

Who is eligible for lymphedema surgery?

A complete history, complete examination and diagnosis of both the lymphedematous limb and the unaffected limb (unilateral disease) are required at the initial visit. Based on the research results,

Dr. Cheng's lymphedema grading system can establish a diagnosis and formulate treatment plans for patients.


Suggested candidates for Lymphedema surgery are as follows:

  • Lymphedema patients who aggressively receive rehabilitation for more than 6 months without significant improvement.

  • Lymphatic obstruction present in lymphoscintigraphy.

  • The difference of circumference between the affected and non-affected limbs is more than 10%.

  • Cancer patients with the aforementioned indications without tumor recurrence or distant metastasis.


Indications for Vascularized Lymph Node Flap Transfer are as follows:

  • Patients exhibiting a total obstruction on lymphoscintigraphy in late grade II, grade III, and IV.

  • Patients without patent lymphatic ducts on indocyanine green lymphography.


Indications for Lymphovenous Anastomoses are as follows:

In some cases, surgery may be performed to alleviate swelling and reduce symptoms. Dr. Cheng has developed a unique technique that involves lymph node transfer. During the procedure, Dr. Cheng transfers lymph node flap to distal recipient site – dorsal wrist in the upper extremity or ankle in the lower extremity.

Lymphedema Treatment Options

Accurate diagnosis and appropriate staging assessment are fundamental to the successful treatment of lymphedema. The conventional treatment methods often require the use of antibiotics, massage, and complex decongestive therapy including compression garments and bandages. Innovative surgical treatments have been emerging rapidly in the past 10 years, and the ground breaking vascularized submental lymph node (VSLN) or vascularized groin lymph node (VGLN) flap transfer to distal recipient site that invented by Dr. Cheng create a natural physiologic drainage conduit to alter excess lymphatic fluid buildup and revert side effects like those of tissue fibrosis and skin swelling. Dr. Cheng’s surgical treatment outcomes show significant improvements in the circumferential reduction rates of the affected limb circumference without the use of compression garments.


Data source:

  1. Asuncion M, Cheng MH, et al. PRS Global Open. 2018;23;6(3):e1691. Cheng MH, et al. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 2013;131(6):1286-98.

  2. A Prospective Evaluation of Lymphedema-Specific Quality-of-Life Outcomes Following Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer. Patel KM, Lin CY, Cheng MH. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Jul;22(7):2424-30

  3. Outcomes of Lymphedema Microsurgery for Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema With or Without Microvascular Breast Reconstruction. Engel H, Lin CY, Huang JJ, Cheng MH. Ann Surg. 2017 Jun 7.


Contact Dr. Cheng For A Consultation

If you have Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema and would like to know more about the most advanced treatments, contact Dr. Cheng. Internationally recognized as a leading lymphedema specialist, Dr. Cheng can discuss treatment options, based on your individual case. Dr. Cheng is a member of the American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery and has performed numerous VLN surgeries on breast cancer survivors and other lymphedema patients.


Dr. Cheng, a world authority in micro-reconstructive plastic surgery and lymphedema treatment, provides surgical services such as lymphedema treatment, breast reconstruction, breast augmentation, double eyelids, eye bags, liposuction, wrinkle removal and lift.


The cases in this article have been published with the consent of the parties involved, and have signed a public authorization letter. The pre- and post-operative case photos in this article are only used as an introduction to surgical medical information. The treatment effect will vary depending on individual constitution and post-operative care.
Anderson Plastic Surgery Clinic reminds you that any surgery or medical treatment has potential risks and is not suitable for everyone. The content of this article is for reference only. The actual decision must be made by the doctor in person after evaluation and communication with you.

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